Michael Knight Your Local Plumber in Ascot offering a service backed up by over 300 Trust A Trader reviews
Call Now 01344 534 617
Hello, I'm Michael Knight a senior professional plumber with over 20 years experience.
You can call me direct (24hrs) for all your plumbing needs no matter how small or big, including any help and advice you may need over the phone 07760 547 999
Easy Online booking system allows you to book a plumber the day that suits you best.
Book our gas safe registered engineer easily by using our online booking system.
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01344 534 617
Michael Knight Your Local Plumber in Ascot backed by over 300 Trust a Trader reviews, No payments taken upfront, No call out charge, no fix no fee, risk free plumbing service with 12 months guarantee on all work, book online in under a minute or call 01344 534 617
For all your plumbing needs, call or text me directly on 07760 547 999 open 24/7